
Early access: Register your interest for Cards today.

What are Cards?

Issue new cards that are connected to your Pay wallet, and use them to pay your suppliers. Check transactions across your cards, and manage, freeze, and block them as required.

Key features

  • Issue new cards: Effortlessly distribute cards to your employees. Provide your team members across the globe with multi-currency cards and set appropriate budgets and approval processes to monitor, review and approve payments.

  • Pay vendors: Pay suppliers and vendors using pre-set budgets from your BirdPay wallet. Convert from one currency to another in real-time, allowing for multi-currency payments.

  • Manage expenses: Set and manage team or employee expenses from one interface. Assign team cards or issue individual cards with pre-approved budgets to manage spending with complete transparency.

  • Set recurring payments: Pay vendors per transaction or set-up recurring payments through your BirdPay wallet.

  • Freeze or expire cards: Prevent fraud and gain control of all your cards in a single window.

  • Manage your money through one platform: Centralize the handling of corporate expenditures. Monitor the activity and transactions of company cards in a single location, gaining a real-time overview of transactions.

Last updated