Access roles

Assign access policies to create access roles, then assign roles to users.

Access roles are a way to assign specific access permissions to users within the MessageBird environment. An access role is a collection of access policies that are grouped together to define a specific set of permissions.

For example, you might create an access role called "Marketing Manager" that includes access policies allowing access to Campaigns.

Access roles allow you to control who has access to what data and functions within your organization's MessageBird environment. They are particularly useful when you have a large number of users who require varying levels of access to different areas of the software.

Assign access roles to users when you invite them, or edit a users' profile to add or change their access role.

Create an access role

  1. Go to your Organization Settings and click Access roles.

  2. Click the Create new role button.

  3. Under "General", enter a role name and a role description.

  4. Under "Policy", select the policy type (either 'Managed' for MessageBird-created policies, or 'Organization' for custom policies) from the "Type" drop-down.

  5. From the "Policy" drop-down, select the access policy you want to apply to this role.

  6. If required, click Apply another policy and repeat steps 4-5 to add additional access policies to this role.

  7. Click Create new role to create your access role.

Assign an access role to a user

  1. Go to your Organization Settings and click Users.

  2. Locate the user that you want to assign access roles to and hover over their entry.

  3. Click on the three dots that appear on the right-hand side of the screen.

  4. Select Edit user from the dropdown menu.

  5. In the "Access roles" section, click the dropdown menu and select the access role you want to assign to the user. You can assign multiple roles if needed.

  6. Click Update roles to save the changes.

That's it! The user will now have the assigned access roles and be able to access the corresponding areas of the MessageBird environment based on the permissions granted by those roles.

Change a user's access role

  1. Go to your Organization Settings and click Users.

  2. Locate the user whose access role you want to change, hover over their entry, then click the three dots on the right-hand side of the screen.

  3. Click Edit user.

  4. Under the "Access roles" section, you will see the user's current access roles.

  5. Select a new role from the drop-down.

  6. Click Update roles to save the changes.

Remove a user's access role

Every user must have at least one access role assigned to them.

  1. Go to your Organization Settings and click Users.

  2. Locate the user whose access role you want to remove, hover over their entry, then click the three dots on the right-hand side of the screen.

  3. Click Edit user.

  4. Under the "Access roles" section, you will see the user's current access roles. If they have more than one role, you can delete the additional roles by hovering over it and clicking the delete icon.

  5. Click Update roles to save the changes.

Last updated