Create an email template

In this article, we'll show you how to create an email from scratch.

Build your email

  1. Go to Content > Email templates > Create blank email.

  2. Name your email and choose a default locale.

  3. Click Create new email.

  4. Choose Build from scratch.

  5. Click Get started.

  6. Enter a subject line.

  7. Add any variables.

Preview your email

Previews only give an indication of how your email will look to recipients. For a more accurate view, send test emails to see how it will render of different email clients and device types.

  1. From the email builder, switch between the desktop and mobile preview views in the editor to see how your email will look to recipients.

Send a test email

  1. From the email builder, click Send test.

  2. Set the variables.

  3. Select the deliver email channel.

  4. Select the contact that will populate the variables.

  5. Select the test recipient's email address, or a test list to send to.

  6. Click Send test.

Save your email template as a draft

Not ready to use your email template yet? When you exit the email template editor, your template will be automatically saved as a draft.

Publish your template

Ready to use your template? Click Publish in the top right-hand corner.

Success! You've just published an email template.

Use your email template

Once your email template has been published, you can use it in a Campaign, in a Journey, or in a Flow.

Can't see your email template when you try to use it? Check to make sure you've published it.


If you want to edit your email template once it's been published, you'll need to close the existing version, make the edits that you want to make, and then publish it. From there, you can safely delete the old version.

Last updated