Integration data sync

When you install an integration, you sync data from that connector into Bird. This is an automatic process, and the exact type of data that is synced will depend on the connector that you are installing.

When integrating your CRM or ecommerce shop with Bird, contact data will automatically be imported, and contact profiles will be created or updated.

You can manage the frequency and specifics of what data is synced via the integration settings, ensuring that only relevant contact information is maintained.

Install an integration

  1. Click on your name in the bottom left-hand side of your screen, then click Integrations.

Choose how often to sync data

By default, data sync is set to 'Every 5 minutes'. You can change this in the settings of an installed integration.

  1. Click on the installed integration you want to manage.

  2. Go to the Data sync tab.

  3. Under 'Data sync schedule', click the dropdown and select a new frequency.

  4. Click Update to save your changes.

Turn data sync off and on

If you want to stop the data sync between an installed integration and Bird, you can do so in the integration settings.

  1. Go to the Your integrations tab and click on the installed integration you want to manage.

  2. Go to the Data sync tab.

  3. Under 'Data sync status', click the dropdown and select Disabled to turn data sync off, or Enabled to turn data sync on.

Choose what data to sync

Not all the data in a integration will be useful for you to have in Bird. Once you've installed a integration, you can revise which data is displayed and synced on contact profiles

You can choose exactly what data to sync after the installation process:

  1. Go to the Your integration tab and click on the installed connector you want to manage.

  2. Go to the Data sync tab.

  3. Under 'Data streams available', click Choose attributes.

  4. Click the 'Delete' icon next to any attributes you don't want to sync.

  5. Click Update to save your changes.

Unsynced attributes can be re-synced by adding them.


What happens if I change my attributes in the integration?

Bird will automatically fetch all contact with updated attributes from the external system.

Last updated