How to enable replies with SMS from Zendesk

If you want to send SMS as a reply to a ticket created from a text message sent by your customer, you must use the following configuration in your Zendesk account.

1. Create the Toky extension in Zendesk

  • Create an extension in your Zendesk account: click on Settings, next click on Extensions, and lastly, click on Add target. (You can also click this link to go to your Triggers section, and click on Add target.)

  • Click on HTTP target.

  • Click on Submit, and the extension will be created.

2. Create the trigger in Zendesk

  • Create a trigger in your Zendesk account: you can click on Settings, next on Trigger and lastly, click on Add Trigger. (You can also click on this link to go to your Triggers section and click on Add Trigger.)

  • Put Reply SMS through Toky as the Trigger name.

  • In the Conditions section, click on Add condition and configure the condition: Comment - is - Public

  • In the Action section, click on Add action and select: Notify target - Toky web.

  • Add the following code snippet into the JSON Body field.

"ticket_id": "{{}}",
"ticket_external_id": "{{ticket.external_id}}",
"ticket_latest_comment": "{{ticket.latest_comment}}",
"agent": "{{}}",
"agent_id": "{{}}",
"ticket_comment_visibility": "{{ticket.latest_comment.is_public}}",
"uuid": "{{}}"
  • Click on the Create button. The Trigger will be created.

Last updated